Bloody Idi Amin | A Ugandan Tyrant


His full name was Idi Amin Dada Oumee. aka 'Big Daddy', aka 'Butcher of Africa', aka 'Conqueror of the British Empire', aka 'Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea'. In the book titled The Bahari Paradox, a frightening and violent encounter with President Idi Amin's soldiers in 1973 recalls with palpable emotions the danger American's faced in Uganda during his reign of terror.



My family traveled across seven countries during the span of twenty-nine days from Nigeria headed to Tanzania.  When we tried to cross the border into Kenya, it was ironic that my father, the revolutionary, was accused of being an American spy.

He was detained after a vociferous confrontation with the soldiers, who led him away and left us in the car outside.  Everyday for five days, my father was taken out of the makeshift holding area, hands bound behind him, and forced to kneel in the dirt while the soldiers taunted and threatened him with their AK-47 Kalashnikov riffles, a weapon still favored by the Ugandan People's Defense Force.

They had no compassion as they conducted the entire persecution in front of my mother, me and my siblings.  This incident among others that are equally captivating and transcendent are recounted in the memoir.

For those unfamiliar with President Idi Amin's tyrannical reign, check out the movie "The Last King of Scotland" or read a full report of his despotic rise to power in the Idi Amin Killer File.

Additional research on heroes and killers of the 20th century is located on Bruce Harris‘ website titled ‘More or Less.’

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