Inspiration for Compassionate Living


Ayanna Nahmias, Editor-in-ChiefLast Modified: 15:15 PM EDT, 15 January 2012

"There is only one way in which one can endure man's inhumanity to man and that is to try, in one's own life, to exemplify man's humanity to man." ~ Alan Paton.

Many of the posts in this report focus on human rights abuses around the globe with particular emphasis on those abuses which adversely impact the lives of women and children. The heinous act of rape is featured in several posts, however, as several of our readers pointed out, this epidemic behavior doesn't only impact women and children.

Many men are also abused and in particular are often raped.  Hence, the Federal Business of Investigation's (FBI) recent announcement that after 85 years they are redefining rape victims to include men. One of the Report's followers sent me a link to a very personal posts in which he shares his experience of being victimized.  I encourage you to visit his website and read his post entitled "Shame."

But, this is not a post about rape, but our effort to bring balance to our reporting. For every post that we write about bad behavior, we will post another story about the good that man possesses and the manifestation of this kindness in the world.

These inspirational posts will hopefully help us to own ourselves and our actions. Though man is a dual creature, throughout the eons he has sought to define and understand everything from uncharitable indifference to outright evil.  In the end it is easier for us to imagine that these ills are instigated by something outside of ourselves.  In truth it is really all about choice.

We must strive always to embrace and choose the good that is in us. We must empathize and explore those aspects of ourselves in the other.  We must achieve balance between the outside world and our inner universe.

Sometimes we discover this through the evocative and intangible nature of a photograph or piece of art that touches something deep in our core.  Or through the words of the sages, elders or perhaps the homeless person we pass daily but one day stop to drop some money in their outstretched cup as we hurry to expend our energy on jobs that take but rarely give back.

That is why when I heard Wayne Dyer read the story of Teddy Stoddart it brought me to a sudden stop. My attention riveted, my soul listening in perfect stillness.  As he neared the end of this man's story I had tears in my eyes as I remembered all of the times that I was indifferent to my son, or angry at and judgmental of another person.

Whether the story is real or imagined its poignancy and power are in no way diminished. Ultimately, we are not evil but earth bound creatures seeking to return to the source.  And I believe that we each hope that during our journey we touch as many people in a positive way so that the world is better for our having passed through it.